Kaspar liked the pork bellies and also tried an octopus mix and a LA Beef Rib lunch special. The octopus was chewy, but he really liked the ribs and the cold buckwheat noodle soup as well. Kaspar's review is bound to send more people Honey Pig's way.
Thanks to Sarah for the tip. Click here for all my Honey Pig posts.
Really? People look at the Baltimore edition of the Chicago Tribune for local restaurant information? I think they much prefer local bloggers like you, HowChow! That's why they (that's right, THEY) point out their stuff to you!
if that dude can't handle the "fiery" sauce, I'm not sure what he can handle...
And I still stand by the "chewy" octopus... shrug.
Actually, if it weren't for a comment and a link in the Dining@Large blog, I wouldn't have found this one.
The chewiness of octopus isn't for everyone. I'm okay with it cooked, but I'm not very good with tako sushi.
Uh, I pointed this out to HowChow and I don't work for the Sun. Sure, I read it online.
I think The Sun is taking its story ideas from HowChow. Imitation is the best form of flattery. Good work, HowChow!
love love loved Honey Pig! we ordered about five entrees and shared between us...it was delicious and the prices were very reasonable.
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