"This is the best dessert in the world." -- Mrs. HowChow.
After living in a house with an electric range, it has been a real treat to get back a gas stove. And the gas stove is the way to get a real treat.

This is the season of gas stove s'mores -- graham crackers, marshmallow, and a block of Hershey's chocolate. It has to be Hershey's. We experimented, even with candy bars that we loved on their own. We keep coming back to the basics.
Now, we may have found our marshmallow as well. My mother brought giant Campfire marshmallows from a Wegmans in Fairfax. They make spectacular s'mores. I brown the outside, then hold the marshmallow with the graham cracker and twist so that I pull the still-solid center from the crispy, cooked outer section. That inside goes back on the stove where it bubbles and browns as well.
Perfect. The two-step method doubles the crispy, browned pieces in the s'more. The Campfire is truly too large for one graham cracker, but it's fun when marshmallow squirts everywhere. Definitely a dessert that should come with a wet paper towel chaser.
I found the giant Campfire marshmallows at Harris Teeter. I bet they're pretty common.