I have been blogging for two years. Many of my meals start with Mrs. HowChow cringing and me balancing a cell phone camera on a water glass as I learned from the Pizzablogger. But I started spooning frozen yogurt as soon as my butt hit the shiny modern bar stool at Tutti Frutti, and I slurped up three flavors of yogurt and three toppings without breaking stride.
That's the cool part about Tutti Frutti. Amid all the tart yogurt options like Mangoberry in Catonsville and Yogiberry in Columbia, Tutti Frutti stands alone because you make your own mix. You pay by ounce, and you take your bowl along a run of eight yogurt machines -- from chocolate to green tea to kiwi to the original tart -- and then dozens of toppings. The bowls are enormous. We took the smallest, left them half-filled, and still had huge desserts that cost us about $5-6.
You'll have fun if you do. I'm a fan of Tutti Frutti's cool modern design. On a Saturday night, it was packed with people at 10 pm with a buzzing, city energy. I'm also a fan of pay-by-the-ounce. I gasped watching teenagers fill small buckets and then pay more than $10 for dessert. But, hey, you can take normal-sized servings, and I loved being able to sample. Three flavors of yogurt in my cup. Three kinds of toppings -- mochi, that gelatin, and mango. At most other stores, you pay $1 or more per topping, and you're getting a handful for your money.
If you want a fun night, start with an order of fried chicken at Rainpia and then come down Rte 40 for Tutti Frutti.
Tutti Frutti
9191 Baltimore National Pike (Rte 40)
Ellicott City, MD 21042
NEAR: This is on the south side of Rte 40 west of Rte 29. It's right next to a Burger King. From Rte 29, you need to pass the Chatham Mall shopping center (with Bare Bones) and U-turn at Chatham Road. Turn right into the Burger King parking lot and then immediately turn left. You'll see Tutti Frutti directly ahead.

Howchow, I can't believe you waited so long to try Tutti Frutti! I think it's the best of the HoCo tart frozen yogurt places, by far! I also love that they have sample cups (near the register) so that you can try the different flavors before you commit!
Everytime I've been, this place is packed! Word to the wise, though, be sure to not park in the parking designated for the ethnic grocery store next store. They get really upset!!
Brett, congrats on the two years of blogging.
You are able to build up, where as too many bloggers, like myself, ultimately take down that which they love.
Here's to another two years and many more. Great stuff as always! --K
This is a great place. I won't be seeing quite as much of it as soon as Soft Stuff opens, but the way it looks like it gets business from teenage girls, it might not need me around that much.
I adore Tutti Frutti. It is embarrassing how much I go there!
I gave up Korean style fro-yo for lent, I can't wait to try out this place in a few weeks!
Mr. How Chow,
We love your blog, but its gonna make my waller thin and my waist bulge. I just came home from work, my wife and I looked at your blog and right after dinner we ran right back out to Tutti Fruitti. It was packed and the yogurt and toppings were wonderful as per your great review.
Thanks so much for writing this awesome blog.
My son and I tried it Sunday on your recommendation, and loved it. In particular, the machines serve cold, firm yogurt that will still be solid as you finish. Also, I'm lactose intolerant, but the yogurt I had was definitely full of live bacteria, as I had not problems digesting it. Other places like TCBY don't have that advantage, so this is definitely friendly for the lactose intolerant.
Very good French Vanilla flavor, too.
-David P
I go here at least once a week and eat it for lunch! The pink lemonade flavor is my favorite so far.
My fiancee and I went Saturday night as a reward-ourselves-after-moving-all-day dessert. Absolutely amazing, and I couldn't get enough mochi!
I especially like how the sizes there start with what would be a large anywhere else and just go on up to what looks like a half gallon. Ever since we left, I've been thinking of a reason to get back up to EC. Good find, thanks!
FYI, there is going to be a new yogurt place called Yogi Castle in the same shopping center as Sergio's Jewelers on Route 40 in Ellicott City soon.
Tutti Frutti rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are on our way there for our 10 millionth time. If you have waited this long to try Tutti Frutti then you are crazy!!!!!!!!!!If you try to compare Tutti Frutti to Ritas, it's hard to decide which one is better.
Went to Tutti Frutti (TF) tonight to compare it to Yogi Castle (farther west on Rte. 40). The decor at TF is more "cafe hang-out like" vs. YC's which is more casual. They have 8 varieties compared to Yogi Castle's (YC) 16. You can't swirl all the varieties at TF, but you can at YC. TF's yogurt is generally smoother and firmer than YC's. Based on same flavors we've had at both places....the pomogranate was better at YC. The chocolate and original tart is better at TF. If you want variety...go to YC. Otherwise, both are pretty darn yummy!
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