Country curry at the Columbia Thai restaurant. I didn't order anything special, didn't ask for the super spicy. But my curry came out so hot that I alternated between dropping my fork in fear and then shoveling food so rapidly that my wife became concerned.
Her dish was delicious and cooling with its coconut milk base. Ironically, I had been sold on the country curry special because I thought that a non-coconut curry sounded interesting. We went to Bangkok Delight because we had just hosted my nephew for three days. Lovely boy, but it has been three days without vegetables or spicy. So we drove to Rte 108 to shake up a nacho-hot dog-pizza cuisine.
"No mas" or however Duran would have quit if he had been Thai. I ate half the plate for dinner. I took the other half for lunch, but ended up going out with a visiting friend and just throwing the brown bag away. (Before I was married to a doctor, I might have said "Sitting out in my office all day isn't that long.") Honestly, it was a disappointing trip to Bangkok Delight, which I have touted some days as the best restaurant in Howard County. Not last week. It's not a cheap place, and the "chicken wrap" special appetizer wasn't special. Great sauces, but uninspired chicken and iceberg lettuce. I still love the place, but it wasn't "best of the county" at all.
1 comment:
untionThe hottest dishes I've ever had were at Thai restaurants. Once, on a whim, when I ordered a dish "hot" and the server asked, "American hot or Thai hot?" I chose Thai. Baboom! And, at another Thai restaurant when I asked the server for something to spice up a dish that was too mild, he brought me what a friend and I promptly dubber Thai Death Powder. I sprinkled MAYBE 1/4 of a teaspoon on my food, took one bite and thought the top of my head would blow off (and I like it spicy).
Those Thai people know from spicy.
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