Small production liquor is just great fun, and Howard County gets to join the party some time this summer where Lost Ark Distilling will start making rum and whiskeys in Laurel.
You young people may find it hard to believe that there was an epoch when we thought "interesting, unique" alcohol included Killian's Irish Red. It took me years to learn it was brewed by Coors
Now, you could drink well all summer on beer brewed just in Maryland. You could go for several weekends just trying different beers made in Howard County -- now at Jailbreak Bewery in Laurel and coming tomorrow from Manor Hill Brewing.
At least that's the news about Manor Hill on Randy Marriner's Twitter feed. Please add a comment if you know the plans for the release party or if you try any of their beer. I assume the Manor Hill beers will first appear at the Marriner family's Victoria Gastro Pub in Columbia.
(Update: MoCoBeer tweeted me a link to the release party poster. Looks like 10 Manor Hill beers! I just realized that *I* linked yesterday to a poster that mentioned the release party. I'm working fast here. I can basically read and write for a third to half of a nap.)
The Lost Ark folks want to add some harder stuff to the mix. They signed a lease on U.S. 1 in Laurel, and they're aiming to start distilling in Summer 2015. I, for one, welcome our new hard liquor overlords, expecially for a local whiskey. I've only discovered bourbon and rye in the past two years, but they're now my main drinks. I'll celebrate with as local a Manhattan as I can make. I also know that setting up a business comes with challenges that can slow a schedule.
Speaking of those challenges, does anyone know the prospects for Black Eyed Susan Brewing? After some early articles, I don't think I have heard anything in almost a year.
If you are interested in detailed descriptions of the new beers from Manor Hill, you can go to the Manor Hill page on Untappd.
Mike, you're exactly right. We will be opening and offering rums and a corn whiskey. We have some very special plans for the rum. For the corn whiskey, it'll be made from corn grown 100% in HoCo. We'll start barreling a straight bourbon and straight rye right away that will age a minimum of 2 years. I think our ultimate goal is to one day have a Maryland Rye Whiskey trail much like the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. Cheers!
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