Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Raging Bitch India Pale Ale & Baltimore Beer Week

This has been the summer that I drank Raging Bitch pale ale from the Flying Dog brewery in Frederick.

Dry, fresh beer.  Crisp, but surprising refreshing considering that it's bitter as you swallow.

I barely drink liquor these days, so I don't have the vocabulary -- let alone the comparison -- to give you a comprehensive review.  But Raging Bitch has been an absolutely perfect beer.  Delicious flavor.  Light on a hot night.  Great with food.

Flying Dog's beers are available at almost every liquor store these days, although I picked up my last two sixpacks from the Perfect Pour in Elkridge.  The bitterness has been the real surprise.  For the past few summers, I bought wheat beers.  They're smooth and sometimes thick.  I wouldn't have asked for a bitter beer, but the Raging Bitch has been ideal every time that I crack open a bottle.

If you want real beer advice, you should always check out the local blogs like the Baltimore Beer Guy and Beer in Baltimore.  You also need to check out the Baltimore Beer Week, which runs for a second year on October 7-17, 2011. 

The Baltimore Beer Week is a spectacular local event.  I love what appears to be teamwork between the beer afficianados, the brewers and the local beer bars.  You actually get 10 days of events -- everything from featured events aimed at thousands down to free tastings at local liquor stores. 

Locally, you can try a beer history class at Howard County Community College.  A free Flying Dog tasting at Snowden River Liquors in Columbia.  A pub tour in downtown Ellicott City.  And then there are specials at a bunch of Howard County restaurants -- daily events a places like Judge's Bench, Victoria Gastropub,  T-Bonz Grill,  and Frisco Grille & Cantina.  Go on the Baltimore Beer Week Web site and search by venue.

(Update: In the comments, ADM IV copied out addresses for Web pages that show all the Howard County events, although Blogger doesn't turn them into links.  The HocoRising blog did a similar list, and his post includes links that you can just click.)


  1. Howard County has great venues and events planned this year. The event types have improved from last year both creatively and brewery involvement and it's great having the newer Howard County beer spots like Kloby's and T-Bonz in the mix with events for Baltimore Beer Week.

    *As part of Baltimore Beer Week, if you have ever thought about making your own beer at home, there is a FREE beginner brewing class I am teaching @ Maryland Homebrew in Columbia on Wednesday the 14th from 6-9pm. Search events under Seminars/Workshops.(*Shameless Plug)

  2. Note also four events just posted for Ellicott Mills Brewing in Ellicott City, including a Wild Game Beer Dinner on Sunday the 10th and a homebrew contest...... http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=0&eventsponsor=197&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

  3. Also, pay attention to Kloby's Smokehouse in Burtonsville.......

  4. @Brandon - You have earned a plug. Email me a photo of some homebrewing stuff, and I'll post a separate item.

    @ADMIV -- Do you guys have a list of Howard County events? I'd love to do more posts about local events. But seriously, Burtonsville? Burtonsville? Kloby's address is Laurel, but it sits right between Columbia and Fulton. Burtonsville is on the other side of the river. You city folks think anything south of I-695 is Virginia! ;-)

  5. Well, pardon me and lah-de-dah. In the past month, I've had to deal with FOUR places where the post office said one town, the county said another town, and the nearest real town (in one case 500 feet away) was a third place. I don't associate where Kloby's is as being Laurel, and I'm better acquainted with the crossroads known as Fulton in Lancaster County.

    That being said:

    Frisco Grille, four events: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=50&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    HoCoComm College Columbia, one class: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=89&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    Judge's Bench: eight events: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=89&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    Kloby's, four: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=89&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    Maryland Homebrew, a demo: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=141&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    Perfect Pour, four tastings: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=21&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    T-Bonz, ten events: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=161&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    Victoria Gastro Pub, ten: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=39&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

    The Rumor Mill, Ellicott City: four: http://www.bbweek.com/events.php?eventdate=&eventvenue=186&eventsponsor=0&cost=0&btn_Submit=Find+Events

  6. its been our top selling microbrew since early winter at Allview Liquors. it still outsells sam adams sesaonals on occasion. I talked to the brewer recently and they have plans once the initial batch is over-to repack it as "the Bitch is back" in ref to the Elton John song.

    its the best beer to drink if ever you get stuck in a blizzard.

  7. @vk -- After last winter, I wonder if I need to start stocking my blizzard six packs now.

    On another note, I'd love a nightlife-oriented "Trolling" post if you ever wanted to write one.


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