Friday, May 15, 2015

Pizza And Ice Cream In Downtown Ellicott City; Top Of My To-Do List -- If I Can Work Around Nap

The folks who brought weekend outdoor pizza to downtown Ellicott City have re-opened the nearby ice cream shop to make a dangerous duo -- to your waistline.

River House Pizza is Nathan Sowers' mobile wood-fired oven that turns the courtyard near the Main Street parking lot into an outdoor pizza restaurant.  For several years, they have served one of the highlights of the monthly market.

Now, that monthly market has become the weekly Ellicott City Old Town Market -- every Saturday offering music, farmers stands and more.  Check out their Facebook page for hours and details.

At the same time, Sowers has expanded River House to Friday lunchtime (11:30-2) and all day Saturday and Sunday (11:30-7).   He has also re-opened the ScoopAHHdeedo ice cream shop that operated down the row for a few years, but I think was shuttered for the last one or two.  The scoop shop will be open Wednesday to Sunday, noon to 7 pm.

I've been remiss writing up the expansion.  I keep wanting to go.  We really loved the BrickNFire mobile pizza oven that operates across the river at the Breadery in Oella.  Now you can get pizza and the Taharka Brothers ice cream.

Have people been to the weekly Old Town Market?  What do you recommend?  This is now on my list -- waiting for a Saturday when I can get Lil' Chow down there before or after nap.  For a real report, check out Katie's post updated in 2014 on the Cupcake RN blog.

You can make real fun all weekend in downtown Ellicott City.  On top of the pizza and the Saturday market, one of the highlights is the weekly movies shown outdoors by the Wine Bin.  Check out their schedule on their site to see titles starting on May 22.


  1. OMG you just completely torpedoed my diet. That will be a once a month stop during the summer months for sure. River House pizza is amazing and the Key Lime Pie Taharka Bros ice cream is my favorite bar none!

  2. seriously.... kids naps make any eating out so complicated.

  3. A few days ago I posted about changes to the 2015 Old Town Market on the blog.

  4. Speaking of pizza, does anyone know if Joe Squared is still opening in Ellicott City?

  5. Hours expanded a little in May - pizza is now open 11-2pm on Fridays, 10-8pm on Saturdays, 11-8pm on Sundays. Ice cream is 12-8pm Wednesday-Sunday.

  6. The breakfast pizza.. Omigah. Ingredients change depending on what's locally available, but it's got an amazing white sauce, and a poached egg on top! It's insane.

  7. Highland Inn is closed after 18 months in business

  8. Whirlz In Ellicott City is closed. Went there last week and a "for lease" sign was posted in the window.

  9. Not surprised about Whirlz. The crepes were OK, but the yoghurt wasn't as good as the others in the area.

  10. What happened to HowChow?

  11. I hope you are well -- really miss your blog.

  12. I think it's safe to say this blog is officially dead. It's been over two months! Sad to see

  13. RIP Howchow. I really enjoyed the blog and appreciated the focus on the Howard County scene. Thanks for the hard work over the many years.

  14. HowChow, will you please just let us know if your blog is kaput? If it is, I understand. I'm sure it takes a lot of time putting it together and you have a much more important focus right now. But I keep checking every day to see if there's a new post in the hopes that there is one, and every day, I'm disappointed. If you let us know that you put an end to the blog, I won't get my daily disappointment. If you're continuing it, but only posting monthly or bi-monthly, I'll know to check less frequently, but also know that I should check back. Your blog is very interesting and informative and I miss it.

  15. @anonymous, to help avoid disappointment an RSS reader (like Feedly or Reeder) can give you notifications whenever a new blog post goes up. Likewise notices go up on Twitter, @HowChowBlog, whenever Howchow puts up a new post.


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